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Ecommerce websites have to tackle several challenges whilst providing a good customer experience. Below we list some of the challenges and how you can fix them to ensure an excellent customer-to-company experience for your platform. 

Here are some of the reasons why E-commerce Website owners back out from their digital presence.

Cyber Security and Data Breach

Over the past few years, the level of cybercrimes and data breaches has rapidly increased on eCommerce platforms. As the details of customers get stored on the servers, it becomes vital to protect them from thefts or scams. Moreover, a data breach can also impact your brand image and decrease the number of users that visit your platform. 


It is vital to stay alert by integrating the best tools and software on your eCommerce platform to avoid such situations. Also, always keep up-to-date with the recent market frauds, cyber-attacks, or scams and inform your customers about them by sending bulk emails for their protection. Moreover, you can even install plugins on your eCommerce website to add an extra layer of security.

Online Identity Verification

When a customer visits your eCommerce website, it becomes difficult for the retailer to check his/her legitimacy. Knowing the right address and personal details helps reduce the risk of fraud and provides a better customer and retailer experience. Moreover, it becomes tricky to keep track of the customers if you don't have the relevant details or information.


Luckily, nowadays you can add online identity verification to your eCommerce platforms to promote fair and hassle-free trading of goods. There are different online identity verification you can choose from such as biometric, 2 step verification, one-time password, face scan, and more. 

Finding the Right Customers

Customers have a wide range of options to choose from an eCommerce platform. If they want to buy clothes, then they will first perform online research on brands, types or sizes. But, how to help customers find the right option on your eCommerce platform can be a hassle. It is important to provide customers with the right product as per their requirements in the shortest span of time to improve customer retention.


eCommerce platforms can partner with specific companies that can connect with a specific target audience. Nowadays, digital marketing is favored over traditional means due to its reach and quick implementation. By targeting a specific group of audience based on age group, location, or product type, you can make their eCommerce experience hassle-free. 

Customer Experience

Building the best customer experience is the key to making a successful eCommerce platform. The website should be well integrated, should contain all the necessary tools, and contain a suitable categorization of the products. Moreover, there should be relevant side filters along with interlinking of the website to create a good user interface.


There are different ways for improving customer experience. The primary method would be to have a clear website with bold letters and small price details so that users can navigate and find a product without much problem. Moreover, CTAs or call-to-action also play a major role in conversions. Without proper CTAs, the customers might not feel the need to buy a product quickly and visit another site. 

Customer loyalty

Building customer loyalty is necessary for every eCommerce platform to flourish. Customer loyalty is far cheaper than finding new customers for your platform every time. Moreover, the chances of regular customers buying a product from the website is far more than a new customer who is skeptical. But, how to keep customers for a long time?


There are a few proven methods eCommerce platforms can do to make loyal customers. First, ensure you have great customer service where all the queries and transactions of the clients are conducted promptly and hassle-free. Next, you can send emails or SMS to customers regarding the new products, offers, coupons, and more to build brand loyalty and increase sales.

Customer retention

One of the major challenges faced by an eCommerce platform is customer retention. Without customer retention, the number of sales conducted will be far less even if the platform has good traffic. What is the best way to improve customer retention?


To understand why the customers are not converting you will have to change your marketing techniques. First, ensure you are targeting the right audience, there is a mobile interface that would work well, no technical issues on the online platform, and more. Fixing all the major as well as minor issues with the platform can provide a seamless experience and help drive the sales forward. 

Competitor Analysis

Analyzing the customers and why their platform is growing is an important factor. Nowadays, users tend to get lost or confused while looking for products on an eCommerce website that offers everything. Thus, niche websites are gaining momentum because of their product-specific pages that provide more in-depth information. Also, what makes the products unique in terms of the competitor's website is important to understand. 


Conduct a comprehensive analysis of all the competitor's websites to determine which products they sell, from where they are generating leads, and how they connect with their consumers. Moreover, offering products that are exclusive to your website can help gain traffic and improve the customer base.

Pricing and Shipping

Getting free or low-cost shipping is preferred by all customers when buying a product from an eCommerce website. eCommerce goliaths like Amazon offer appealing deals on shipping that most customers always choose and do not find on other platforms. But how is the cost for shipping brought down? 


While most eCommerce sites are unable to completely get rid of shipping prices, they always have to look for alternative options that work based on the customer base. Subscriptions are common methods for reducing the cost of shipping and sometimes intercontinental trades are cheaper than usual. You have to find the best option after performing thorough research on how to reduce shipping costs without lowering the profit margin. 


Overall eCommerce platforms have to face multiple issues while working online. By staying ahead of the issues mentioned above and planning early, you can prevent the website from data breaches and provide a better user experience. Moreover, keeping the website up-to-date with the latest technology and tools helps keep the interest of the user and develops a better interface that will be able to tackle future issues.

You can contact the best eCommerce website development company India  if you have any queries or doubts about the challenges you face.